Saturday, May 15, 2010

Antes de...

This time next week I'll be in Spain.
To say I am excited would be an understatement. I love traveling but I've never had the opportunity to really be immersed in a culture. I look forward to living with my host family and just being a foreigner, instead of a "tourist". It would be easy to quiet,shy and stay in my room all day, but I'm going to try to get to know the family and force myself to talk to them lots, even if I feel a bit insecure about my Spanish! My family has had a few exchange students, and it's always more fun when they actually talk and hang out with us. I'm not really picky, so I'm not too worried about eating different food.
My biggest fear is not being able to understand people there, or making a fool of myself by saying something ridiculous. I'm pretty sure both of these are inevitable, but I know my Spanish is going to improve tons and that is what I'm most excited about.
Oviedo, I'm excited to meet you.


  1. Dear Melanie: That sounds like so much fun! When do you leave? We should get together before then because you will be gone for oh so long. You'll totally get the hang of it over there and come back so cultured.

  2. So glad you will be blogging about this experience. Great way to journal. YAY! Good luck, be safe, learn lots, meet peeps, and have fun. LOVES
